Guide Ti, is an advanced maintenance management software – CMMS 



Guide Ti is a maintenance management software solution that allows you to manage all maintenance tasks related to your company’s assets, such as work order management, planning and scheduling maintenance activities, spare parts procurement and inventory management, and equipment warranties.

Guide Ti is an advanced CMMS solution, robust and straightforward to use. These two characteristics set this CMMS apart from the competition. This unparalleled maintenance software displays resource availability and assignment of resources during work order creation and planning. Resources can be internal/external human resources, physical assets with the lists of components.

Guide Ti maintenance software main functionalities


Asset Management

This complete CMMS solution helps organizations manage an unlimited number of physical assets that could be located in various remote sites. Guide Ti centralizes information so all maintenance team members can find information quickly and be more efficient. Moreover, each asset can be detailed down to the nuts and bolts for advanced analytics and management. The best asset management software on the market!

Service Request and Work Order Management

You can create Service Requests through Guide Ti’s interface, and then transfer them to the maintenance team with or without requiring approval. From the work order, you can access all information about equipment, spare parts inventory and available technicians. For example, you can browse repair history, warranties, preventive tasks to come, and safety and lockout-tagout (LOTO) regulations.

Planning and Scheduling

The Planner and the Maintenance director can plan work orders by evaluating tasks to accomplish by priority, assets, parts availability, team, skills and much more. After estimating and classification, you can assign work orders to an internal or external resource according to their competencies and availability for a specific time. The most advanced planning and scheduling module in the market!

Spare parts procurement


The Purchasing management module lets you set renewal of stock according to the minimums and maximums established for each inventory item. Avoid being out of stock and causing a production stop!


For more details on these functions please click the appropriate section below


Maintenance Manager Challenges / Guide Ti Features
